Vadim Makoyed: 07.10.10

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About the most authentic fans of Jesus!

FANAT – Title For This Friday [07.16.10]


Title for this Friday night [07.16.10]

FANAT in Russian simply means a fan. Fans are enthusiastic devotees, followers, admirers, or addicts of something. True fans in a way always worship those that they admire.

What about the authentic fans of Jesus? What does it really take to be crazy about God? It’ll be a fun night with videos and… stuff… See ya there!

Christianity Is For Strong People!

FANAT. Who's your Superhero?

FANAT. Who's your Superhero?

Jesus is our Superhero! Here is a chance to connect with His most authentic fanats.

FANAT on Facebook

For over 2000 years they’ve been burned, beaten, murdered, crucified, fed to lions, laughed at, slaughtered… but the love of Christ keeps on burning in their hearts to this day.

Authentic Christ followers – fanats (fans) stayed through centuries in love and complete dedication to Jesus. They changed the world down side up. They conquered kingdoms for God. They never let go what they admired and believed in. More